Docs to Go Premium has been Discontinued

Sadly, after 15+ years, we had to make the difficult decision to discontinue the premium features in the Docs To Go iOS and Android app. See FAQs below for what this means for our current Premium customers.
This was not an easy decision, but we no longer have the resources to continue to support the features. The cloud and desktop features especially require constant development because cloud APIs and operating systems are continually changing.
The app was sold as a one time purchase for a relatively low price. This business model doesn’t provide the recurring income required to keep up with maintenance and support. This is why many apps have moved to subscriptions, but that was not feasible for Docs To Go.


Yes.  Docs To Go will still work and will remain available to you via the App Store if you purchased for iPhone/iPad or the Google Play store if you purchased for Android.  Click here for more info on how to install premium on iOS and Android.

You can install Premium on a new device if you bought it prior to when it was discontinued (March 2022).

Click here for info on how to install on a new iOS device or Android device.

DataViz will continue to support Docs To Go Premium features via email as we have done in the past until June 30, 2022.  After that, our tech support section of our website will be the only way to get tech support on the Premium product.

For the foreseeable future, Docs To Go Standard for iOS and Docs To Go Office Suite for Android will continue to be available in the App store.  The in app purchases will be disabled, however, as will the premium features for anyone who hasn’t already purchased premium.