If Passwords Plus crashes or gives you an error when you attempt to add or edit a file on your database, then you likely have Windows Defender Controlled folder access on. To resolve this issue you can either turn Controlled folder access off or add Passwords Plus as an exception.

Either way you can follow these instructions to get to where you need to be

  1. Tap on your windows key type in windows defender
  2. Click on the app that pops up in the start menu
  3. Click on the virus and threat protection
  4. Click on ransomware protection at the bottom

From here you can either turn controlled folder access off or you can click on “Allow an app through Controlled folder access”. Then click on the plus symbol that says “Add an allowed app”. Then navigate to your C:\ drive which is located on the left-hand side. Open Programfiles(x86), then
Pass Plus CS, and finally click on PasswordsPlus.exe to add the program.

If you did this correctly you should see
C:\ Programfiles(x86) \ Pass Plus CS
under the “Add an allowed app” button

You should now be able to add and edit files as normal in Passwords Plus.