This is a display problem we have on certain High Resolution Windows devices. Here are the steps needed to fix this problem:
1. Go to the Desktop
2. Right click on the Passwords Plus shortcut or Passwords Plus.exe*
3. Click “Properties”
4. Click “Compatibility” at the top of the “Passwords Plus Properties” window
5. Click “Change high DPI settings”
6. At the bottom, check off “Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:”
7. Now click the drop down menu right below and click “System”
8. Click “OK”
9. Click “Apply” then either “OK” or close the window
You should now be able to choose categories the next time you open Passwords Plus.
* If you do not have a shortcut, go to Windows Explorer (the File Manager). Now go to (C:\Program Files (x86)\Passwords Plus CS.) Then go to PasswordsPlus.exe and right click on it, where “Properties” should show up.