There can only be one active account at a time on a device for Passwords Plus. Therefore in order to “sign-out” of your account, you will need to wipe your data from your device. This shouldn’t be an issue if you have been syncing with Passwords Plus Premium or the Premium trial. If you have been syncing then you will have a backup of your data in our secure servers. You should not sign-out of your account if you have not been syncing. Each platform/OS has a slightly different way of clearing the data off of your device.


You can click here for instructions on how to uninstall Passwords Plus on Windows. In the instructions, you are given a choice of whether to keep your data or not. Make sure you choose to remove your data from your device.


You can click here to learn how to uninstall and reinstall Passwords Plus on MacOS.


All you need to do to sign-out and clear your data from your iOS Device all you need to do is self-destruct your device by entering in the wrong password about 5 times. If you changed this setting you can log into Passwords Plus normally and change it back to 5 in the settings.


All you need to do to sign-out and clear your data from your Android Device all you need to do is self-destruct your device by entering in the wrong password about 5 times. If you changed this setting you can log into Passwords Plus normally and change it back to 5 in the settings.